The energy exchange photo techniques

marie holliday

I was privileged to present and share some techniques I developed years ago and have been using and developing ever since. I was kindly invited by Tania Prince to attend Masterclass 2009 in Manchester to demonstrate what I now call the Energy Exchange Photo Techniques. These techniques show how to effectively combine working with EFT and photographs.

by by Marie E Holliday

I intuitively started working with photographs years ago by tapping on the photograph itself with interesting results. Many years ago Gary Craig shared this technique on his newsletter.

I received many emails from people trying it out with excellent results and the same following Masterclass 2009.

I introduce photographs with some of my clients and over the years have discovered many varied applications.

Photographs hold memories

Memories are only memories to the conscious mind and current events to the unconscious mind

I introduce their varied application where the client brings a photo or photos to the session or on the phone or alternatively for your own use. This involves either:

  • Tapping on the photograph itself
  • Interchanging with tapping on self in the normal way and tapping on the photograph
  • Tapping on self and looking at the photograph of self or other people
  • Introducing a few photographs to tap with, for example, family photographs

I have now used The Energy Exchange Photo Techniques for many client issues over the years. There are also some video clips on my website. Here are a few examples:

  • Tapping on a photograph of self for not feeling loved
  • Tapping with inner child work and a photo of self when young
  • Tapping with Law of Attraction/abundance/relationships
  • Tap on photo of self imagining a difficult dialogue/conversation or interview, low self esteem
  • Sending healing, love, forgiveness, gratitude
  • Ex pat community where many have left problems behind in another country
  • Divorce, splits in a family/friends, leaving home
  • Arguments, disagreements
  • Grieving and bereavement
  • Health comparison/contrast photographs for tapping with ill health now and previous photograph in good health
  • Children love trawling through photograph albums where tapping can be introduced
  • Photographs of pets with tapping
  • Photographs concerning weight issues, smoking, self image
  • Tap on a photograph/magazine cutting of a future aspiration or dream
  • Occasionally used with Movie Technique where a photograph has held an intense trauma and then tapped in normal way or a client tapped on a wedding photograph just calling it ‘the fight’
  • Personal Peace Procedure, where clients or practitioners are encouraged to make a journal and put in photographs to tap on
  • Tapping with a Palace of Possibilities affirmation and a photo or magazine cutting that represents the persons aspiration
  • Tapping by phone and using a photo

I find some of the benefits offered with the Energy Exchange Photo Techniques are:

  • Useful for a situation where person cannot talk to another person or doesn’t want to, they are too annoyed, hurt, upset, grieving
  • Cannot/doesn’t want to see someone physically, for example, living in another country, someone in hospital, cannot face seeing someone, guilt issues
  • Takes the pressure off the individual by tapping on a photo of self
  • Offers a different perspective
  • May change a belief system, thoughts or a perception really quickly
  • Visual for the non visual person
  • Can raise intensity and get to core issue quickly
  • Photo is easy to check results with SUDs rating, relief, aspects when reviewing it or looking at it another day
  • Can be introduced if tapping doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere
  • Photos are so evocative of a time, place or situation, such as family gatherings, childhood, teens, births. They hold memories of sights, sounds, smells, scenes, good memories and bad
  • Surrogate and distance healing
  • Animals and babies/children

I really enjoy using photographs in sessions because it makes a session definitely more focused and belongs to the client, it is very much client-led.

More recently, I have introduced the use of X-rays, images, photos of someone’s house for financial issues, magazine cuttings. It is a really creative technique where visual images can be used that mean something to the client.

Interestingly, a Heartmath Institute study using human DNA in files showed that:

  • Thinking about the worst event ever in your life damages DNA
  • Thinking about the best event ever in your life heals the damage
  • DNA is non static and can bring destruction or healing to your cells, depending on your thoughts and beliefs
  • Changing the picture you look at changes the frequency of the cells
  • EFT is used to change pain and trauma pictures into healing or healed pictures because tapping changes the internal picture.

Perhaps if the vibrational frequency of a picture (a photograph in this instance) is changed with tapping then a healthier positive frequency offers a different view, shift or belief with the self same photo.

Marie Holliday
AAMET practitioner/trainer/trainer of trainers in English and Spanish
Contact Marie for further information on her courses on The Energy Exchange Photo Techniques in England and Spain
websites: or
marie email

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